Panasonic Aquarea Air Source Heat pump installers, maintenance and repairs.
delta T Services are trusted and reliable Panasonic Aquarea heat pump installers in Essex and London and can supply and install the full range of Panasonic Aquarea air source heat pumps, the Aquarea, Aquarea-Cap and the Aquarea HT all tailored to meet your exact requirements.
Panasonic has created Aquarea, an innovative new, low-energy system, designed to help you enjoy ideal temperatures and hot water in your home, even with extreme outdoor temperatures. Aquarea cools or heats to ensure maximum comfort. One outdoor unit, which may be reinforced by solar panels, heats the water for home use and for the radiators or radiant under floor heating. The system can also be retrofitted to an existing central heating system to reduce installation costs.
Panasonic's Aquarea is the most innovative option for complete retrofits and for new construction. Aquarea is far cleaner, safer, cheaper and environmentally friendly than alternatives using gas, oil and other electrical systems.
Panasonic's new Aquarea Air-to-Water System provides maximum efficiency and capacity even at temperatures as low as -20°C
Look no further for your Panasonic Aquarea heat pump maintenance Essex based delta T Services can look after your investment, if you need a Panasonic Aquarea heat pump maintenance London is our speciality with engineers never far away!
We are surrounded by free, inexhaustible energy: supplied by the sun present in all spheres of our environment, in the air, the ground, the groundwater, Heat pumps enable us to recover this free, inexhaustible energy and to use it to heat our homes. These systems have the huge advantage, apart from reducing your electricity bill, of saving fossil fuels while at the same time limiting greenhouse gas emissions.
Panasonic Aquarea heat pump installer
Panasonic Aquarea heat pumps are very easy heating and air conditioning systems to install either in new or old buildings. Panasonic's Aquarea air to water heat pumps provides a considerable reduction on installation and maintenance costs. For new buildings, no drilling or excavation work is necessary to capture the heat, unlike geothermal installations, nor any gas connection, chimneys or fuel reservoirs. For retrofits or refurbishing, it is easy to connect to an existing heating system with low-temperature radiators or a radiant floor.
Panasonic's Aquarea Mono-bloc heat pump is an extremely compact, plug and play heating system, capable of supplying any home's heating and hot water demands, even down to temperatures of -20°C. Independent tests have shown Panasonic Aquarea heat pumps to have a COP (coefficient of performance) of 4.41 at 7°C which makes them much more efficient than fuel-fired boilers, gas boilers and electric heaters.
delta T Services can supply and install the full range of Panasonic equipment in Essex and London.
The Range
WHMDF06D3E5 - 6 kW monobloc
WHMXF09D3E5 - 9 kW monobloc
WHSHF09D3E5/WHUH09DE5 - 9 kW split
WHSDF12C6E5/WHUD12CE5A - 12 kW split
WHSDF14C6E5/WHUD14CE5A - 14 kW split
WHSDF16C6E5/WHUD16CE5A - 16 kW split
PANASONIC'S Aquarea HT heat pump system
provides hot water at 65°C
Panasonic has made an exciting addition to its Aquarea of air-to-water heat pumps with the launch of the Aquarea HT series. Aquarea HT produces hot water at 65°C, making it ideal for use as a high efficiency retrofit replacement for gas boilers supplying radiators for heating.
Panasonic's patented refrigeration cycle and flow control have been combined with a high efficiency inverter and heat exchange module to give outstanding energy performance. The COP (coefficient of performance) is a top class 4.55 (9 kW model).
Look no further for your Panasonic Aquarea heat pump service Essex based delta T Services can look after your systems and are fully qualified to carry out Panasonic Aquarea heat pump services Essex and London are our prime work areas , if you need a Panasonic Aquarea heat pump repair London is our speciality with engineers local to you.
The Aquarea HT offers outstanding performance, even at very low outside temperatures. The HT can produce hot water at 65°C even down to -15°C. The HT is also very quiet in operation with no noise inside the house as there is no double stage compression.
Panasonic has achieved excellent performance using only single stage compression by optimising the Aquarea HT for use with the environment-friendly refrigerant gas R407C. R407C works on much higher temperatures than R410A, which means the HT can produce hot water at 65°C using only one stage of compression while still maintaining high system efficiency.
Aquarea HT also employs Panasonic's patented SCEB (Sub-Cooler plus Evaporator Bypass) cycle to achieve high heating capacity performance even at low ambient temperatures, meaning that no electric heater back-up is required, even at minus 15°C.
The Aquarea HT range is easy to install and is available with nominal heat outputs of 9kW and 12 kW, single or three phase, in both Bi-bloc and Mono-bloc versions. The Bi-bloc model comprises separate indoor and outdoor units, whereas the Mono-bloc is perfect for houses where space is at a premium as the Mono-bloc design effectively combines the outdoor and indoor units into one package. No separate indoor unit is needed and Panasonic's Mono-bloc enclosure contains all components within a single unit.
Call our friendly help desk now or e-mail us via the request a quotation page with your details and we will contact you shortly.